The collaboration has been established with a focus on following aspects:
- To support the scientific activities in Rural Health and Toxicology
- Provide technical support for the organization of International conference on Rural Health and Occupational Health
- To conduct joint research, training and academic programmes on Rural and Occupational Health
- Organize joint conferences to highlight the issues of occupational health problems to rural people in general and agricultural workers, people based agro industries
- A link website to IAAMRH and ICOH
Duration of Agreement: 2007 – 2011
Funding: Establish co-operation without cost
The university in its quest to improve the Quality of Life of the rural population, has organized a international and national conferences on Rural Health ( International -1994, 1998, 2008, National Conference – 2002) with the support of ICOH and IAAMRH even before the agreement was signed. This has provided a effective forum to discuss, share and develop initiative in rural and occupational health. Pravara Model has been recognized as ROLE MODEL FOR INTEGRATED RURAL DEVELOMENT