Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Orthodontics is the branch of Science and the art of dentistry which deals with the development and positional anomalies of the teeth and the jaws as they affect oral health and the physical, esthetic and mental well being of the person.It is a special branch of dentistry which deals with the alignment of the teeth.
Emphasis is laid on the maintenance of oral, physical and mental health of patient and also his/her esthet's.
The Department of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics at the Rural Dental Collage, Loni offers a graduate and three-year post-graduate program leading to a Master of Dental Surgery degree awarded by the Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences, Deemed University , Loni. The advance training program in Orthodontics is accredited by the Dental Council of india.
The section of Orthodontics has a wide range of activities covering all aspects of Orthodontics-
- Preventive,
- Interceptive ,
- Corrective and Surgical.
Goals of The Department
- The goal of the Orthodontics program is to provide a basic and advance education in Orthodontics for and improved understanding of the diagnosis and treatment planning of various types of malocclusions and increased skill in their management.
- To transform the nature of dental education and practice in ways that will dramatically improve the way we serve our students, Our patients, and the surrounding community.
Mission and Vision
To foster the development of dentist who will brining profound integrity and character to every endeavor, while demonstrating the highest quality clinical knowledge and expertise.
The Students should achieve academic excellence, Provide the best oral health care, and engage in research scholarship, and creative endeavors to improve the health of the highly diverse populations in India.
Teaching Programs
The educational programs in Orthodontics are extensive with courses for dental students, interns and post graduate students.
Undergraduate Education in Orthodontics For Dental Students
Undergraduate program in Orthodontics is designed to enable the qualifying dental surgeon to diagnose, analyze and treat common Orthodontic problems by preventive, interceptive and corrective Orthodontic procedures.
This program provides an in depth knowledge about the growth and development, diagnosis , treatment planning, material Science , appliances and management of different types of malocclusion.
Clinical practice is limited to collection and analysis of records and correction of mild occlusal problems with removable appliances.
Postgraduate Residency Program in Orthodontics
The goal of Orthodontics residency program is to provide advanced education in Orthodontics to highly qualified graduate dentists who are interested in a career or specialization practice, teaching and research.
The program requires a minimum of three academics year for completion. A high level of advanced clinical skills and completion of a curriculum broadly representative of the basic and applied science is required Original research and a dissertation in any of a number of related fields are required. The Principals of scientific research design and evaluation are emphasized .
The program devotes a considerable portion of time to advanced basic science courses specially organized to serve as a prerequisite to the thorough understanding of the clinical problems in Orthodontics. In the clinical area the student is exposed to different therapeutic philosophies through independent study, demonstrations and practice.