Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences

Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College, Loni

Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College

Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College - Department of Paediatrics

Paediatrics Department | Immunization Reports


This department was established in 1984 and celebrated the silver jubilee by holding a CME on “Neonatal Care in Rural Setting” on 26th September 2009. It has been growing from strength to strength and has contributed to the society by not only churning out graduates and postgraduates but also saving thousands of lives and improving the health care in this rural region.

Pediatric department is located in a rural area, providing tertiary care to children and neonates in Ahmednagar and adjoining districts. The poorest of the poor staying in remote areas are being provided these facilities free of cost. Outreach community programmes are also being conducted on regular basis.

Life threatening illnesses peculiar to this region(Snake bites, dengue hemorraghic fever, dengue shock syndrome, complicated falciparum malaria, meningococcemia are being successfully treated.

Programmes for academic excellence and updating like CME’s, workshops, etc. have been organized. PG trainees have participated in National and International conferences and seminars all over the country. They have presented papers and posters in these conferences. They have participated in IAP and NNF quiz contests.

Mission Statement

“We don’t do any great things, we only do small things with great love”

Teaching facilities offered

A team of qualified faculty well versed in modern teaching-learning methods is actively involved in imparting education.

Modern audiovisual aids including LCD projectors, computer, overhead projector and slide projector, lecture halls, seminar rooms, library (central and departmental), clinic rooms. However, adequate clinical material in the form of variety of pediatric and neonatal cases throughout the year is the most important teaching material available.

Postgraduate Teaching Programme

We aim to provide comprehensive knowledge & training of the subject to Postgraduates. Also provide an opportunity to the trainees for the developing skills and promote the strong desire to reach for the Excellency in the subject of Pediatrics.

Services Offerd By Department

  1. Out patient Department
  2. In patient Department
  3. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
  4. Special Care Neonatal Unit.
  5. Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
  6. Immunization Clinic
  7. Cardiology Clinic
  8. Thalassemia Clinic
  9. Epilepsy Clinic
  10. Well Baby/Child Welfare clinic
  11. Child Rehabilitation clinic including facilities for speech therapy, occupational therapy, special education and early intervention in collaboration with physiotherapy department.
  12. Departmental Library
  13. Working Ward Side lab

High risk neonates are referred to this centre either directly or by other hospitals or private practioner from a radius of 100 Km distance. We are managing successfully ELBW babies with neonatal hyperbillirubnemia(phototherapy and exchange transfusion), neonatal RDS(Surfactant and ventilation), congenital surgical emergencies, early intervention therapy for potentially brain damaged babies, sepsis and numerous other neonatal disorders. The neonatal care has improved over the last one year, survivals have increased and thus the referrals to this centre have also increased significantly.

Component blood transfusion facilities including platelets, FFP, cryoprecipitate, Packed Cells are available round the clock. Numerous cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever, dengue shock syndrome, Meningococcal sepsis, Falciparum malaria, etc. come to this hospital in large numbers and go home cured because of this above facilities. Snake and scorpion bite cases come frequently and ventilation and other medical facilities have ensured very high survival rate. Advanced laboratory facilities(Pathology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Radiological facilities[Digital X-rays, USG{3D and Color Doppler}, CT scan, MRI and contrast studies] are available round the clock. Pediatric surgery, Oncology support including radiotherapy,

Physiotherapy and special education facilities, Pediadontics, Pediatric orthopedic clinic are available. Open heart surgery are conducted in this rural area including cardiac surgery of complex congenital heart disease, neurosurgical procedures like VP shunt are being carried out.

Learning resources include well stocked central and departmental libraries, collection of CD’s, Mannequins, internet facilities. Telemedicine facilities to connect the rural health centers.

Departmental Extensional Activities

Outreach specialty clinic in Rural Health Centers of the institute.

Neonatal screening for Retinopathy of Prematurity in collaboration with Department of Ophthalmology.

Complex congenital heart disease surgery in this hospital by cardiac surgeon in collaboration with departments of Surgery and Anesthesia.

Pediatric and neonatal surgery by pediatric surgeon.

Child Rehabilitation clinic including facilities for speech therapy and occupational therapy in collaboration with physiotherapy department for cases of cerebral palsy, mental retardation, autism, ADHD and behavior disorders.

Thrust Areas Of Reasearch

Research papers, besides theses of MD, are oriented towards clinical profile and therapeutic response in general. The thrust areas include advances in neonatal care and tropical mosquito borne diseases. Outcome of ventilation, surfactant administration, oral iron chelation therapy with newer drugs, sclerema and cranial cooling for HIE are some of the areas of interest.

Future Plans Of Department

  1. Structured teaching learning methods for all faculty members according to the Medical Education Training Programme, as designed by PGIMER Chandigarh and AFMC, Pune.
  2. Better technical equipment for teaching, learning better organized computer and internet based learning.
  3. Continued and increased emphasis on clinical methods and ward-work, with better use of modern equipment.
  4. Emphasis on training in neonatology, emergency in pediatrics and pediatric intensive care.
  5. Rehabilitation and Disability management techniques, including early intervention for challenged children, infants and neonates.
  6. Attitudinal changes being inculcated to emphasize medical ethics, practicing Hippocrates oath in its modern context.
  7. Re-emphasizing importance of basic medical skills of history taking and clinical examination even when modern diagnostic aids are available.
  8. Keeping abreast of recent advances.
  9. Upgrading of equipments in NICU and PICU.