Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College - Anti Ragging Cell
"Revised procedure for students to file online Anti Ragging Affidavit" were implemented in the
Rural Medical College, Loni from the Acadmic Year 2021 -2022
Posted on: December 27, 2021 Read more ....  
Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College Anti Ragging Committee-Revised
Chairman |
AVM (Retd) Dr. Rajvir Bhalwar (9673008816 / rajvir55bhalwar@gmail.com) |
Members |
Dr. A .N .Badwe (9096035553 / chiefrector.boyshostel@pmtpims.org)
Chif Rector, Boys Hostel, PIMS(DU) Dr. Sandhya Arvind Gunnal Chif Rector, Ladies Hostel (9850293121 / sandhyagunnal@gmail.com) |
Convener |
Dr. Mrs.Vaishali Phalke (9822840790 / antiragging.dbvprmc@pmtpims.org)
Prof . Dept Of Community Medicine Dr. Rahul Kunkulol Prof & HOD Pharmacology (9637549119 / Rahul4420@yahoo.in |
Civil Person |
Shri. Ganesh Vikhe Patil Dy.Sarpanch, Loni Grampanchayat, Loni BK (9890798033) |
Police Station |
Shri. Kailas Wagh, API Police Station, Loni (8275244792/02422-273433) |
Media |
Shri. Ravindra Kakade, Press Reporter, Shirdi-Loni Area (9422905222/karvindra07@gmail.com |
Mr. Bharat Ghogare, Secretary, PRES, Loni (BK),(9881800664 / bharat.ghogare93@gmail.com) |
Parent |
Mr. Janardan EV, RMC Loni (7767841979/pa.principalrmc@pmtpims.org) |
Student Fresher's |
Aryan Prashant Mahajan,MBBS-I Student, RMC (7447309733/aryan27mahajan@gmail.com) Shrushti Kiran Deshmukh,MBBS-I,Student,RMC (8767696328/srush2711@gmail.com |
Students Senior |
Madhava Agrawal, MBBS Student, RMC (agrawalmadhav2603@gmail.com |
Non Teaching Staff |
Shri. Vilas Ghule, Establishment Officer, PIMS, Loni (9673007606 / eopmt@pmtpims.org) |
Legal Advisor |
Adv. Nakul Tambe, Assistant Registrar Legal, PIMS, Loni (9673007252/asst.registrar.legal@pmtpims.org) |